| Email Marketing Software and Marketing Automation Platform
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Drag And Drop Editor

You don't need to be a pro to create your newsletter. Our Drag & Drop editor allows you to design high converting newsletters and use pre-built ones for your needs.

Create your first newsletter

email list verifier

Design your newsletter faster

Choose pre-built template or start building from scratch.
Add images and text to your newsletter.
Add social media and dynamic content...

Email verification service
Email verification service

Newsletter editing made simple

Preview and save your newsletter content.
Send test emails.
Personalize your newsletter by using dynamic content.


Connect your Zagomail account with third-party services in one click.
email marketing email marketing email marketing email marketing email marketing email marketing

View All Integrations

All the tools you need for your email marketing

and maybe a few you didn't know you needed

Top-Notch Service

Send Email Marketing Campaigns and Newsletters, Easily and Quickly.

24/7 Support

Need help anytime? Don't worry! Our support team is here for you 24/7.

Test it for Free

We give away free credits to every new user to try before you pay.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

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